brighter than the sun

美 [ˈbraɪtər ðæn ðə sʌn]英 [ˈbraɪtə ðæn ðə sʌn]
  • 网络比阳光灿烂
brighter than the sunbrighter than the sun
  1. And social equity and justice can shine even brighter than the sun .


  2. Millions of stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun .


  3. Preceded by a flash of light much brighter than the sun .


  4. A supernow is about ten thousand million times brighter than the sun .


  5. And incredibly , it 's brighter than the sun .


  6. Soon it became more than 30,000 times brighter than the sun as its energy dissipated outwards from the centre , before returning to its original brightness some months later .


  7. As in the daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun , likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games .


  8. Pindar , the Greek poet wrote in the5th century BC : " As in the daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun , likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games . "


  9. I love you too . Probably not in the same way . But I do . And when I 'm in a cafe having coffee .. or I see a man with hair brighter than the sun .. I 'll think of you . Bye , you guys . Bye . Oh , my God !
